Custom AI Agent

An AI agent is a program that can make decisions or perform a service based on its environment, user input and experiences. BLACKBOX AI offers a wide range of AI agents who are experts in their respective fields, but perhaps you can't find one that fits your needs. In that case, you can create one yourself. It will take a description as parameters, and you can choose to insert URLs and files that it will consider in its initial context to answer your questions.

You can also choose to make this bot private or public. If it's public, when you share a conversation with BLACKBOX AI with someone else, the recipient will then be able to use your bot to ask questions as well.

To create your custom AI Agent, you can either click on the card present on the main screen or on the sidebar menu titled "Create Chatbot".

You will then be presented with a modal allowing you to create your custom AI Agent. Simply click on "Create Chatbot" to confirm its creation.

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